Plan a Modern Family Wedding

The modern family is sometimes one of the hardest things to deal with when wedding planning because they are so accustomed to how things were when they got married. They may have a lot of feedback and input into your wedding planning process, so we have a few tips for you to remember when trying to navigate through your planning the way the that you want to do it. 

First up, be prepared. Consider all of the things that they may want you to do, such as get married in a church, use the same pastor they used, jump the broom, wear your mom’s wedding dress, etc.  Always remember that they do not want to control your big day, they just might be fixed on those traditions and passing them down. So develop your conversations with that in mind.

Second, communication is key. The last thing you want to do when dealing with your modern families is hold in any thoughts that you have in response to their input. It may get even more overbearing if you don’t speak up in the beginning. Be sure to always listen to what they have to say, but ensure that you are honest, open and considerate in response. 

Third, consider compromises. Compromising with wedding planning by no means entails giving up something you feel strongly about. However, sometimes a middle ground isn’t too bad! You can make your parents happy and still feel good about your decision as well. You should never feel like you are settling when it comes to your wedding. 

Fourth, know that it is okay to be selfish. Never lose sight that this is your special day, not your parents, your friends or anyone else’s. It is perfectly fine to let someone know that in the nicest way.

Keeping these things in mind when dealing with the modern family will be key when it comes to eliminating worry, uneasiness and stress during your wedding planning! 


Amber L. Bentley
Social Media Manager
Devoted to Your Event

Head Table or Sweetheart Table? Which one is better?

There are so many small tasks and decisions that a couple has to make during their wedding planning process. One of them is choosing whether you and your future spouse want to sit at a head table or a sweetheart table. This blog post has all that you need to know about these two set ups so that you can decide which one best suits you.

First up is the head table. The head table is basically a large table, comes in many shapes and sizes, where you are sitting with your bridal party and also sometimes immediate family members. The pro’s of having this set up are:

  1. It provides another way for you to honor those that are close to you. While your wedding day is meant to honor you, shining a light on those who helped be a part of the celebration is always appreciated. It’s never a bad idea to make others feel special.
  2. Your guests won’t feel separated from you. With a head table you and your spouse can talk, laugh and interact with people and not feel so separate. This lets people feel more connected to you both.
  3. Those you love will surround you. There is nothing better than getting to sit down, relax and be at a table with the ones you cherish most, after such a big celebration. You can unwind, reflect, and make fantastic memories throughout the night.

Now, it’s time to move on to the sweetheart table. This type of table is a small table meant for just you and your spouse. It is usually decorated super cute and cozy for the couple. The benefits to having this type of seating arrangement is:

  1. You can spend some special alone time with your beloved. Despite what you may have heard, a wedding will really fly by so fast when the day comes. Oftentimes couples get so caught up in trying to speak to everyone that they do not spend along time with each other. It is super important to have a little one-on-one time during the day and a sweetheart table is great for that.
  2. You will feel obligated to get up to speak to everyone. Being seated at a sweetheart table will make you inclined to get up to speak to your guests, being that you are not seating with them. If seated at a head table, you may get so consumed in conversation with others that you do not get around to speaking to everyone.
  3. Your bridal party will be able to mingle with others. It isn’t uncommon for your bridal party to bring a date to your wedding. A great benefit for having a sweetheart table is that your bridal party can be seated with their significant others, instead of being split up from them.

Both options are great, so the decision comes down entirely to preference. We hope that this blog was helpful for you making your decision!



Amber Bentley
Social Media Manager
Devoted to Your Event


Using Pinterest for Wedding Planning (Tips)

Digital resources are definitely very popular when it comes to wedding planning, and one of the more frequently used ones is Pinterest! So many future brides, females who are in long-term relationships, and just females in general seem to be able to get easily sucked into the wonderful, never ending world of Pinterest ideas such as wedding dresses, venue décor, floral arrangements, cake designs, wedding hair and makeup and so much more. 

When first deciding to use Pinterest, as an official resource for your wedding, be sure to start off with organization. You want to strategically keep all your wedding components on separate boards. We recommend using separate boards instead of pinning ALL of your wedding items on one board, because things can get overcrowded and lost.

Creating your board as a secret board is definitely a good idea, if you don’t want others to know what you are doing prior to the wedding. Once a board is secret you can pin as much as you want and no one will ever be able to see. 

The great thing about Pinterest is that you can be as broad or as specific as you wish. If you have no idea where or how to start searching, try the word “wedding.” And for those who know exactly what they want, you can search specific phrase like “blue rose bouquet” “DIY centerpiece” “summer wedding” and more! Clicking on images will also lead you to other similar photos, which is the very exact reason that people end up with hundreds of pins! 

Being descriptive with your vendors is key. A great way to do that is to make a note in the description of each pin noting why you like it and how you want to use it.
Another hidden gem on Pinterest is the fact that you can allow your vendors to collaborate on your boards, which will help them provide you with even more of an accurate depiction of your dream weddings.

When using Pinterest, definitely make sure that you are being realistic and true to yourself. Pin things that YOU like and not the most popular images. Also keep in mind that some of these images are from professionally styled photo-shoots, so go in with an understanding that all of these photos may not be fully achievable for your wedding, but more so for inspiration. 

With all of this information on your mind, you will surely be an expert on Pinterest in no time!


Amber Bentley
Social Media Manager/Event Assistant,
Devoted to Your Event

A Female’s Guide to Wedding Hat Etiquette

When it comes to accessories, especially hats, it’s always best to know the unspoken rules when it comes to wearing it to a wedding. Here are some guidelines that make the case both for and against wearing hats to a wedding ceremony. You can surely use these to help you make your own decision!

Reasons to wear a hat:

1. It adds a special touch, or a little bit of flair, to your attire: When weddings come around, most like to get dressed up in a way that is different from normal. Adding a hat can play into those vibes.

2. You are having a traditional ceremony: A bride that decides on a more regal themed wedding may request that hats be worn for the ladies, and suits for the guys.

3. Mother of the Bride: If no one else wears a hat, the mother of the bride is always seen as the one person who is allowed to. It gives off a royal, classic air to show her importance on that special day.

4. It has a sentimental meaning: If wedding hats, for the male or female, have a special meaning or are tied to a loved one, that is a perfect way to pay homage to them on your big day.

Reasons against wearing a hat:

1. Modern wedding themes don’t call for that accessory: We all know that in this modern day and age, hats don’t go with all wedding themes. Keep in mind the theme of the ceremony and if hats don’t typical go with that, then try to avoid them.

2. It is an unnecessary expense: This could be true for both the wedding party as well as the guests. Finding a hat that is both

acceptable and matches your attire may not be cheap. On another note, most people would not end up wearing that hat again after the wedding day.

3. You may block someone’s view: Some wedding hats are cute and quaint, others are wide and flat, and then there’s the ones that are decorated with tall accessories. Wearing your hat could look fantastic, but keep in mind that you may block the view of several people behind you, which will not be enjoyable for them. Bigger is not always better.

4. It doesn’t match with your outfit: Don’t force what doesn’t work. Some outfits just shouldn’t be paired with a hat, and that is perfectly okay.

If you are really set on a wedding hat, and it is not coming together how you hoped, do not fret, here are some alternatives that you can wear: a headband, a jeweled slide or hair accessory, a fascinator, a floral crown, or even just a statement hairstyle!

Amber Bentley
Social Media Manager/Event Assistant,
Devoted to Your Event