Enhancing Your Wedding Guest Experience

While your wedding is about you and your spouse it’s always appreciated when you do nice things for your guests. Not only do you want everyone to have a great time, but also you should want to make him or her feel valued for coming to spend this special day with you.

The full guest experience is becoming a popular topic with weddings and events, and we are bringing you several great ways you can enhance this on your special day!

  1. Create a wedding website: This will allow your guests to find everything that they need in one location.
  2. Have nice greeting gifts for your guests as they come into town: This can include cute themed wedding gifts or items that are special to the city your wedding is in.
  3. Incorporate performers and entertainment: This will be great for your guests to embrace during the reception and other down time.
  4. Have some fun activities: Outdoor weddings are more commonly known to have games, however with indoor weddings you can have photo booths and other fun things.
  5. Incorporate your guests in your wedding entrance or exit: Have them throw confetti, toss balloons, wave sparklers, etc. 
  6. Pay for your guests: This is always a plus and will have your guests feeling treated the entire time, especially when it comes to drinks.
  7. Be mindful of everyone’s time: There is no need for an extremely long cocktail hour. Your guests may get antsy or worse, bored, and you do not want that to happen. Keep the flow of events moving.
  8. Create thank you gifts: This doesn’t need to be super big; it can be a small token of your appreciation for your guests.  

These are eight of the top wedding experience tips you can incorporate into your ceremony. Feel free to use the ones you like and even add in some more to the mix. As long as you keep your guests in mind during your wedding planning process, then everything will work out just fine!


Amber Bentley
Social Media Manager/Event Assistant,
Devoted to Your Event

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